Did you hear about Delta Airlines and the doctor that was on board?
Real quick --- the plane was in flight when a passenger needed medical assistance. A black woman doctor tries to assist but was halted by flight attendant and blocked access to the passenger in need because: we are looking for a physician, please sit down. This is no time for questions, we need a doctor.
Yeah. So. After the black woman doctor repeatedly said: I AM a doctor, the flight attendant then asks her for ID. Cuz, you know, that's what you do in a medical emergency.
Anyways, read the whole story here
This lead to the twitter hashtag #whatadoctorlookslike.
In light of this, here is my take of #whatalawyerlookslike.
Because just last week, again I was asked for ID and asked incredulously, "You're a lawyer!?!"
I didn't tweet about it, or make a facebook post about it or anything cuz ... hasta cuando? I mean really, how many times do I gotta write about it? I'm jaded. I'm tired.
I told Vic about it and he says he can be standing in court in a suit, holding his briefcase and he'll be referred to as the defendant: "Mr. Rodriguez?" and he has to say repeatedly: NO I'm his ATTORNEY."
For so long I kept thinking of changing my LinkedIn profile picture. But why? I'm not changing it. Get used to it. That's #whatalawyerlookslike cuz that's what I look like!