There are only 13,000 Latina attorneys in the United States. Let that sink in. Do with that info as you wish. Here is more stats to mull over -->
Currently, Latinas comprise only 1.9% of
associates and 0.4% of partners in law firms, the lowest representation of any racial or ethnic group.
In corporate law departments, Latinas make up
only 0.4% of general counsel in
Fortune 500 and 0.4% of Fortune 501-1000 general counsel positions, and only 3.5% of all law school professors in the country are Latina.
Fortune 500 and 0.4% of Fortune 501-1000 general counsel positions, and only 3.5% of all law school professors in the country are Latina.
On the federal circuit, 6.7% of judicial positions are
held by Latinas/os; however, this statistic does not identify how many
women hold these positions.
Latinas in particular constitute 7% of the total United States population but only 1.3% of the nation's lawyers. Remarkably, there are only about 13,000 Latina lawyers in the United States.
Read the entire report here->
Hispanic National Bar Association National Study on the Status of Latinas in the Legal Profession - Few and Far Between: The Reality of Latina Lawyers
National Study on Latinas in the Legal Profession
If you need an attorney, child custody, child support, divorce, orders of protection, DWI, assault, criminal, wills, estates, etc then we are your lawyer! Call us!
Si necesita un abogado / abogada de familia para un caso de custodia, manutension, divorcio, orden de alejamiento, asalto, criminalista, testamento, etc, llamenos!
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