Thursday, February 13, 2014

Begin the Beguine - Bye, Bye, CHARLIE!

Urbaez was in court just last week and the judge called out to him saying: "Mr. Urbaez, may I speak to you for a moment..."

This is rather unusual. An ex-parte communication with a judge!  Urbaez was intrigued and walked over.

The judge told him:

I see your address is on Passaic Street.  Tell me.  Is that old record store still there? 

Urbaez smiled and answered:  

Yes of course!  Right next door!  CHARLIE!  You know he's retiring this year!  He's in his late 80's!

Well, Charlie Rigolosi died a few days after that.  Rest in Peace Charlie!  

Here is an article from the New Jersey Record: 

this is how it begins:

Charlie Rigolosi was just 12 years old when he bought his first record, Artie Shaw's "Begin the Beguine".

It was the beginning of a lifelong love affair for Rigolosi, who, at age 87, still gets a thrill when he digs through a box of new records.

"I love going through them. It's like Christmas for me," said Rigolosi.

Also see this video interview of Charlie:

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